It’s time for a website you’re
proud to share a link to
*Finally* stop dreading when someone asks for your website link.
You deserve everything in life (but let's start with your website)
Your website is the literal engine that makes sales while you sleep, eat, and binge The Real Housewives.
The problem: Yours is giving “I just learned to knit” vibes. And it’s plateauing your sales.
You need — and, hello, DESERVE — a website that embodies your talent, your expertise, and your genius.
It's time for a website that represents the stunning visionary you actually are.
One where … your leads funnel automatically. Your post-purchase sequence launches perfectly. Your copy updates *don’t* take 4 hours of googling to make.
Let me build a stunning website for you that's just as hot out front as it is in the back.
All of my services start with an easy, no-pressure discovery call
(and don’t worry — it’s one you’ll actually want to show up to)
👇 click to pop open
the one-page website
Roguish is for:
Business babies who need their first website
Business baddies who want a lean website (so your audience can take quick action)
starts at $1350
the full website build
SoRogue is for:
Businesses in year 3+. You know yourself, you know your business, and you know you’re ready for the next level.
starts at $3250
sales pages + funnels
Rogue is for:
Businesses who already love their website and are ready to kick up their conversion rate.
starts at $850
the course, membership OR community
EverRogue is for:
Businesses babies creating their first course / membership / community
Business baddies who want a sophisticated + smoooooth course / membership / community.
starts at $450
Christina brought my vision to life in a way that I didn't even know was possible!
Her attention to detail is outstanding, and it was so evident that it was important to her that my website represent the energy of who I was in the most powerful way possible!
I highly recommend working with Christina in any capacity, you will not be disappointed!"
Tracy, Akashic + Ascension Guide 💎 Spiritual Mentor + Channel
I'm Christina
website builder + uncertified cheerleader
Building websites is my JAM (and I happily squirrel away on them with pastries and moringa tea).
But when you and I work together, I can’t help myself but break from developer mode and become a massive freaking cheerleader for you and your biz.
I can’t wait to grow your business with you.
Your Course Blueprint
Everything you need to turn your jumbled & fuzzy course idea into a REAL LIFE COURSE.
Office Hours
Ditch Google and come to me. Twice a month, I’m online answering ALL of your website questions live.
Check out some of my *favorite* projects to date right here.
(just promise you’ll be jealous)
This Is Where Expansion Begins.
Where Imagination Becomes Reality.
The Rogue Review
Sharing my favorite resources and tools, design best practices, challenges to help you optimize, and of course updates & exclusive offers!!
Site Credit: Me, of course! Like what you see? Book a Discovery Call!
Canadian Based Web Designer + Awesome Human
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